Self Help

When to Let Go…

Have you ever resisted a situation or tried to change an outcome to a point where you felt physically, mentally and emotionally depleted? Was the situation something you were passionate about or felt was ethical or the right thing to do?

At what point do you give up and let go?

Knowing when something is costing you time, energy and peace, is critical. It allows you a chance to release what is not serving you, even if you feel that it is the right thing to do. Sometimes life gets challenging and when it does, you have a choice as to how much time and energy you give to potential dead end situations or resistant people or circumstances.

The next time you find yourself feeling depleted and having to fight a cause, whether personal or professional, step back and take a deep breath. Think for a moment and get a feel for your body. Does it feel tight, tense, or do you feel sick to your stomach? If so, it’s time to release and let go,

If you can’t sleep due to ruminating thoughts, find yourself unable to think about other things, then your life is out of balance and the situation or person is controlling you. How you regain control can be by simply letting go. Even if you are trying to prove a point to someone, by letting go, you win. Releasing a stressful or toxic situation from your life is in your best interest.

Are you fighting a never ending battle or engaged in proving yourself right? Whatever the situation or person involved, release and let go and find peace within.

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