Life Reflection Cards

Life Reflection cards is available on Play Therapy Tools

Personal Consultations

What areas of your life need to change?  Do you seek inspiration and motivation to set new life goals or do you need skills to cope with and manage life challenges?  Do you struggle with anxiety or depression or are you looking for a healthy work life balance or need support for recovery?   As a Licensed Professional Counselor, Substance Abuse Counselor, and Professional Life Coach, I will guide you as you make positive life changes and find a healthy and happy life balance.

Specializing in:

  • Professional Life Coaching
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Career Change and Transition
  • Grief and Loss
  • Addictions and Recovery
  • Energy Psychology Sessions
  • Health and Wellness Coaching
  • Spiritual Direction


 Business Consultations

Are you a business or organization seeking consultations in the areas of program design or clinical oversight in the areas of health and wellness, personal growth, leadership development or addictions and recovery? Specializing in program development to suit individual needs that includes a 10 week curriculum, facilitators guide book and ongoing mentoring.  Created specifically for individual client groups focusing on traditional and alternative programs. Consultations include leadership coaching, organizational oversight and retreat programing.

Specializing in:

  • Clinical Consultations
  • Leadership Coaching
  • Professional Mentoring
  • Program Design
  • Alternative and Traditional Programming
  • Client Centered Program Development
  • Health and Wellness Programs
  • Art Therapy and Creative Expression Workshops



Life Coaching

Are you interested in making life changes but don't have a lot of time? Join Karolee, a Certified Life Coach in a motivating life coaching session that can help you identify personal and professional goals in the areas of career, relationship or health and wellness.  Life coaching can help you improve confidence, improve leadership skills, work performance, manage the grieving process or develop a spiritual practice.  Learn how to identify the necessary steps needed to reach personal and professional goals.

Life Warrior: Everyday Recovery Program

Are you new to recovery or further along on your path, but need ongoing support?  The Life Warrior: Everyday Recovery Program is a strength based approach to help those in recovery.  Do you struggle with addiction?  Any compulsive behavior can become an addiction and can include drugs, alcohol, eating, shopping, exercising, gambling and sex.

The Life Warrior: Everyday Recovery Program is structured to help you identify underlying causes, personal strengths, self-sabotaging behaviors, and teaches you how to implement successful life changes.

Based on the book, Life Warrior: The Everyday Summit addresses emotional, mental, physical and spiritual areas of life and how these can be incorporated into everyday living.

The Life Warrior:  Everyday Recovery Program is available for individual client sessions and for group therapy or professional development. The 15 week course includes a copy of the book and explores the following areas: Intellectual Preparation, physical preparation, spiritual readiness, obstacles, rewards, tools for the journey, commitment, emotional wellness, trauma, fear and grief, strength, addiction, adversity, persistence and the summit.

Buy the Book

New Book Release

A true story of endurance, hope, solitude, sorrow and strength.

Join the author in uncharted adventures across the United States and into foreign countries through exploration and self-discovery as she travels unconventional paths, faces physical and emotional obstacles, fear, excitement, loneliness, and isolation.  Not always finding what she is searching for, she instead discovers personal strengths and lessons along the way.

Each chapter takes the reader on a thought-provoking journey as the writer deals with life changing trips that take her out of her comfort zone. Questions at the end of each chapter guide the reader on their own journey of self-discovery.


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Purposeful Living Group

Gather around a virtual table that feeds your heart and soul in this Purposeful Living Group as we explore meaning in life.  Topics we will explore include creativity, sacred relationships, acceptance, journaling and reflective writing, spiritual practice, breath work, intuition, the body's language, shadow work, grief and loss, purpose and meaning, dreams, creative ritual, laughter and finding joy within.

In this week's Purposeful Living Group we will explore what brings our lives purpose and meaning. Sharing our purpose and passion in life, brings us even greater clarity as to how to find more fulfillment in the live's we already have.

Join Karolee, a Certified Life Coach and John Cahill, who has a strong spiritual practice and dedication to personal growth, in this thought provoking group in which we will share and discuss the meaning of life and all the joys that come with it (and some of the hardships too).

This gathering of like minded people is virtual and free to participants. Meeting on October 20, 2024 at 10:00AM CST and 16:00 UK time for 60 minutes. The link to the group will be emailed out prior to the meeting.

To sign up or for more information please email:

[email protected]

Expressive Art Journaling

Are you creative?  Have you ever expressed your thoughts and feelings through creativity, painting or journaling?

Introducing creative expression sessions to explore self-reflection. These sessions are person-centered, thought provoking, and creative, as you learn to connect to that inner guide and creative spirit within.

Art journaling involves creating a personal journal that combines words, art, and imagery to record thoughts, emotions and memories. It is a form of self-care as you develop your own personal creative practice.

Introduction to Art Journaling

Join Karolee, a Certified Art Therapist, in self-exploration virtual sessions where you will be introduced to Art Journaling.  Expressive Art Journaling is for those who enjoy the creative process and want to engage in personal growth.  Supplies you will need include drawing materials, pens, pencils, markers, watercolors and drawing paper/pad.  (Whatever supplies you have and whatever best expresses yourself).

Learn how to connect to that creative spirit within and to see yourself and your life in a new and different way.

To sign up for Art Journaling sessions, or for more information please email [email protected]


A motivational self-help book that encourages a fresh outlook on what it means to be happy. Rediscover your inner joy through art, dance and music. Reinvigorate your body and mind with the simple pleasures of play, cooking, and overall wellness.



In this motivational self-help recovery book, you will be guided up the mountain to your personal summit which includes self-reflection questions and checklists for change to help you identify the areas in your life that you are struggling to succeed or improve.  Are you ready to change your life?


Life Changing

Learn to incorporate gratitude, laughter, hope and inspiration into your own life through everyday adventures that feed your heart and soul. Inspirational stories and guidance to inspire, motivate and encourage you to follow and embark upon your own everyday adventures to a happier and healthier life.


Kid's Anger

Cranky Carl & Crabby Cat have anger problems and together they think picking on each other is fun, until one day Cranky Carl discovers that it feels better to be happy. This funny story has a valuable lesson for children as they learn how to deal with anger in more productive ways.



Lucky and the Stinky Cheese Man is a humorous story about a rescue cat who lives a stable and uneventful life until his human mother’s new husband moves into the family home. Lucky and his new dad learn to adjust and bond over stinky cheese.


Kid's Anxiety

Lucky the Worry Cat is a story about a cat that is unable to tell his parents that he worries. Sometimes, like Lucky the cat, children are unable to talk about how they feel or what they worry about and need help expressing their feelings. This book was written to help kids talk about their worries through the use of storytelling.


Do You Struggle with Restless Soul Syndrome?


Enter the world of psychotherapy and the search for purpose and meaning. Through individualized therapy sessions, explore common everyday struggles with career, life changes, relationship conflict, grief and loss. Some people simply question, while others search for a lifetime.


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Next Steps

For more information contact Karolee Krause at [email protected]