Changing Times

Strength or Fear: You Decide

Life is unpredictable. Life is changing and the effects impact us all. Some rejoice in the chaos, while others live in fear.

When faced with adversity in changing times, what is your reaction? Do you move forward in strength and power, or do you live in fear and retreat? There is no right or wrong answer, but know that living in fear and retreating results in stagnation while the world around you continues to change. Not moving out of fear is a choice. Living in fear is terrifying, crippling and unproductive. Choosing to move into power and taking action is liberating.

Are you living in strength or fear? If you are living in fear, you can choose to move through it to empowerment, to be a part of the solution, to create positive change. Strength alone and in numbers conquers mountains and empowers people. Fear, only takes away your strength, leaving you helpless and dependent.

Strength or fear? You decide.